COVID-19 Updates
In accordance with the orders and directives issued by Nueces County and the State of Texas, the CCGC Board of Directors has developed the following set of rules that will remain in effect for the duration of the current situation
- All members and guests must complete and sign a liability waiver prior to entering the property. The club member escorting those guests is responsible for ensuring those waivers are turned in prior to accessing the ranges or the shotgun fields.
- Maximum of three (3) customers in the clubhouse at a time. Conduct your business then exit promptly. Everyone must wear a mask and sanitize their hands to enter club house. Please do not linger.
- All members and their guests must adhere to CDC guidelines for social distancing. This includes a minimum of 6 feet of separation between any individuals not of the same household. If 6 feet of separation is not possible or if members and/or guests are inside any building then masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth at all times.
- Maximum of 5 shooters allowed on any shotgun field at one time. Shooters and spectators must maintain 6 feet of social distance from anyone else present. Those waiting to shoot must maintain 6 feet of social distance while waiting.
- Shooters in the rifle and pistol bays/ranges and buildings must only use every other station, leaving an empty stall/table between users.
- Anyone that has travelled to a city or state as identified by Gov. Abbott as a “hot spot” or on a cruise ship should refrain from coming to the club.
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms, or have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive or is currently ill please do not come to the club.
- Please work with us and be patient as we are working hard to keep the club open. Staff is implementing CDC and State guidelines, and our ability to remain open is dependent on all of our members following the above rules as well as all existing club safety rules, please adhere to these rules.