October 4, 2022

Dear Members:

This year our Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in front of the main clubhouse.  In addition to electing directors for the board, we will review the past year’s progress and proposed plans for future growth.  If there is any topic you would like to discuss, please contact me by 5:00 p.m. Monday, 10/31/22 so that it can be added to the agenda.  Only items on the agenda will be open for discussion.

The following members are running for three open positions on the board:

Harold Carter                                Kevin Keetch                      Roger Strickland (incumbent)

Robert Galbreath (incumbent)         Mark Otto (incumbent)        Phil Underwood

Glenn Hagler                               Lee Rogers

You must be present to vote, and we cannot take any ballots until all candidates have spoken.

We have had some continued challenges at the club because of the scarcity of ammunition and reloading supplies, gate malfunctions and an electrical issue in the clubhouse, but the staff and your Board of Directors have handled all issues.  We now have a much better inventory of ammo and reloading supplies than we have had in 2 years.  We are pleased to let you know that your club continues to do well and remains fiscally sound.  Membership is roughly equal to the previous few years, and more members are coming out to enjoy the club.   Our Thursday night shooting attendance has still not bounced back but is improving and we encourage everyone to come out and shoot under the lights for a different and fun experience.  We have made significant improvements on the 5-Stand field with the help of our amazing local 4H club and private donations.  Country doubles has been reestablished and available for those who remember that crazy and fun game and for anyone interested in learning it.  I will still try to send out a newsletter every few months telling you about these changes.  If you are not receiving this email and would like to, add CCGC to your contact list and/or contact Craig or Theresa to make sure they have your correct email address.

This letter also serves as reminder that your annual membership fee is due by January 1, 2023.  This will be the only notice you will receive.  Enclosed you will find your renewal agreement, waiver and a return envelope.  Note that there is one page with the renewal notice on one side, the waiver on the back and you must complete both forms.  After completing, sign and return the forms with your dues.  Your 2023 membership will not be active until all are received by mail, electronically or in the clubhouse.  The fee for 2023 will be $194.  Copies of the renewal form and waiver will also be available at the annual meeting and are on our website.

There are exciting things happening and in the works for your club.  Please make plans to come to the Annual Meeting to hear about them and be a part of the excitement!

See you at the club!

Denise Newton, Secretary CCGC